Gender Neutral Housing allows students to reside with other students regardless of sex, gender, gender identity or gender expression. This option is intended for students who wish to share a room or apartment with other students who identify differently than themselves.
Columbia Residential is committed to increasing students' active decision-making and engagement in their housing environment. This is reflected in enabling housing selection and through facilitating gender neutral housing. Offering a gender-inclusive housing option to all students allows increased choice in selecting housing.
Students interested in gender neutral housing must opt in. Those who do not opt in may select from units that are single-gender. The unit list will indicate whether a unit is single-gender or gender neutral.
In apartment shares, gender neutral housing requests may be accommodated in two- or three-bedroom apartments. In dormitories, most suites are gender neutral, but bedrooms are single-gender. Columbia Residential discourages students who are in a romantic relationship – regardless of sex, gender, gender identity or gender expression – to live together in shared apartments or dormitories; students in romantic relationships are advised to apply for couples housing.