In anticipation of your upcoming move-in to Columbia Residential, we invite you to join us for a Move-in Webinar on Thursday, July 7 at 11:00 AM ET. During this session, we will walk you through the move-in process and provide you with information and resources to address your needs while living with us.
Following the presentation there will be a brief Q&A session to answer any additional housing questions that you have. Questions can be submitted in advance through the Move-In Webinar Questions form, or in the live Q&A Chat following the presentation.
Please register for this event through the link below.
We recognize that this time may not be convenient for all residents to attend and will be recording this session for later distribution. We also encourage you to review the Move-in Information on our website, and reach out to us by email at [email protected] or speak to a housing representative via LiveChat with any additional questions. We hope that you can join us for this session.