Fire Safety
Fire safety is extremely important in any living environment. It is a resident's responsibility to ensure that safety is maintained at all times. Apartment inspections may be conducted during any fire drill that occurs to ensure that fire safety equipment is in place and not damaged.
- Use a surge suppressor to protect computers and other sensitive electronic equipment.
- Do not overload electrical outlets at any time. Only one appliance should be plugged into each socket in the outlet.
- Do not use extension cords, only surge protectors. Never use multiple extension cords.
- Do not operate two or more high-amperage appliances simultaneously (i.e., a computer and a hair dryer).
- Do not remove cooking equipment from a kitchen area.
- Do not leave cooking equipment unattended during use.
Residents should learn the location of fire alarms and exits in their buildings, keep all fire doors closed and report any damaged or missing safety equipment.
Violations of local, state, federal, and/or University fire safety policies are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
- possession and/or use of flammable materials, certain cooking items, or items that operate with an open flame (e.g., grills, lanterns, candles, or incense);
- starting a fire (including by means of careless cooking);
- pulling a false fire alarm;
- tampering with fire safety equipment; or
- failing to evacuate during a fire alarm.
Students: violations will be reported to Student Conduct and Community Standards for possible disciplinary action.